
Radio Frequency Microneedling (Pixel8)

Microneedling includes the process of collagen induction therapy, which relies on the skin’s natural ability to repair itself after an injury, ultimately tightening the skin. Unlike typical exfoliation treatments, RF microneedling penetrates past the stratum corneum and brings heat into the sub-dermis which stimulates and remodels the collagen within. It is considered a non-surgical facelift!

The radio frequency energy and minimally invasive microneedles drive heat deep within the patient’s skin layers. The heat stimulates the remodeling of collagen and prompts the elastin cells to regenerate. This microneedling system combats signs of aging for patients with various skin types.

Radio Frequency Microneedling (Pixel8)

  • Enlarged pores

  • Face lines and wrinkles

  • Facial acne scars

  • Stretch marks

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Crepey skin

  • Skin texture

  • The treatment requires little to no downtime and results in a skin surface that is firmer, smoother, and more even. 

  • The patient may leave with a pink flush or mild patchy redness on their face but the slight indentations turn into smooth radiance, revealing a refreshed and renewed look.. 

  • Depending on skin conditions, optimal results require 3-6 treatment sessions. However, most patients see results after their first session. 

  • Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) can expedite the healing process of tissues and reduce the appearance of pigmentation and acne scarring when paired with microneedling.

  • PRP treatment involves using the patient’s own blood, spinning it to isolate the platelets with a centrifuge, and then applying it to the skin. 

  • Microneedling with PRP is strongly recommended for those who have severe concerns they would like to treat, such as scarring, deeper lines, and wrinkles, or significant sun damage.

  • Microneedling always causes a certain level of discomfort because it involves needles piercing the skin, but how intense it is, is entirely subjective.

  • Most patients receive the treatments 3-4 times a year but if the patient’s skin concerns are more severe, such as acne scarring or significant deep wrinkles, they may return more regularly, either once a month or every 6 weeks.

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