

Improve the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin

Kybella is a non-invasive injectable used to reduce fat. It destroys fat cells in injection sites. Your body flushes these fat cells out through natural detoxification processes. Kybella can also be used on other areas of the body, including stubborn belly fat, “bra fat,” and “love handles.”


Kybella Q & A

Consider Kybella if you’re bothered by excess fat under your chin. It may make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed. Other reasons you might consider treatment with Kybella:

  • Your chin fat makes you look heavier or older than you are

  • You exercise and have a healthy diet, but the fat on your chin resists fat-loss efforts

  • You want to avoid surgical solutions

Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a natural substance made by your body. The synthetic version in Kybella aids in the breakdown of dietary fat. It destroys the fat cells in your chin permanently! The destroyed cells flush out of your body through the lymphatic system.
Cheek filler injections are remarkably pain-free. Getting poked in the cheek with a needle might not sound like the most pleasant experience, but our practitioners apply numbing cream before the injection begins. As a result, the patient will feel minimal pain as the filler is injected.
You will be numbed before treatment, so discomfort is minimal. Dr. Sonali uses superfine needles, so the injections feel like a slight pinch. You may experience a slight burning sensation as Kybella enters the treatment area, but this sensation is temporary.
It takes about six weeks for the destroyed fat cells to leave your body and for you to evaluate the results of treatment. You can then consult with Dr. Sonali to determine if you want additional sessions. To achieve desired results, 3-4 treatments are generally recommended.
Where Kybella destroys fat cells, it does so for good, so the results are permanent. That being said, one session will address some, but not all, of the fat cells under your chin. If you gain a notable amount of weight, it’s possible for the remaining fat to plump and for a “double chin” to return.
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