
Clear + Brilliant Specialists

Treat signs of aging with Clear + Brilliant® Laser Treatment

Clear + Brilliant® is a gentle, non-invasive skin treatment that uses fractional laser technology. It’s often considered a “red-carpet treatment” since it is commonly used among Hollywood celebrities (like Jennifer Aniston or Drew Barrymore) to get them red-carpet-ready.

This treatment was FDA-approved in 2011. Now, it’s regularly used by thousands of doctors nationwide to address early signs of aging and sun damage, improve tone and texture, and minimize pore size.

Clear + Brilliant® treatment is a fantastic, non-invasive skin treatment option for anyone who wants to fight off early signs of aging or maintain their youthful appearance.

Clear + Brilliant® Q&A

Clear + Brilliant laser treatment can benefit the skin in various ways:

  • Minimize scarring and signs of aging. By using fractional laser technology to create millions of microscopic treatment zones in the skin’s outer layer, Clear + Brilliant replaces dead skin tissue with healthy tissue. This helps in treating fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, and is great for improving skin tone and texture.

  • Brighten and lighten skin. In addition to treating early signs of facial, neck, and chest aging, the laser technology in Clear + Brilliant stimulates the skin’s production of collagen and removes dead skin cells. This results in brighter, firmer, more radiant skin.

  • Non-invasive. Many skin treatment solutions incorporate the use of cutting and needles. Clear + Brilliant only goes as far as the upper layer of the skin. This is ideal for those who want a safe, non-invasive treatment that yields fantastic results.

  • Painless. Most practitioners use an anesthetic cream to numb the upper layer of the face. This ensures that the patient is as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

  • Fast, immediate, and lasting results with almost zero downtime. Clear + Brilliant treatments typically only last 20 minutes or less. This means you can get in and out of the clinic with little to no downtime. Despite how short the treatments are, results will last for months and are often immediate and progressive.

  • Works for all skin types. It doesn’t matter if you have dark or light skin; Clear + Brilliant has been proven to work for any skin type regardless of pigmentation. This is possible because the laser isn’t targeting the pigment in the skin but the water inside it.

  • Milder than other fractional laser treatments. There are other fractional laser treatments available out there, but Clear + Brilliant is milder. It’s comfortable, fast, and effective. Expected side effects only last hours; with other treatments, they can last days.

Clear + Brilliant laser treatment uses fractional laser technology to fight off the early signs of aging. The terminology may sound complicated, but everything from the concept to the procedure is simple.

There are 2 types of lasers available: ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers, meaning tissue-damaging and non-tissue-damaging, respectively

Clear + Brilliant is a non-ablative laser. It works by transmitting heat into the dermis (inner layer of skin) without damaging the epidermis (outer layer of skin), hence its being “non-ablative.”

The heat transmitted to the dermis then stimulates collagen production and restores skin hydration, elasticity, and density, improving the skin’s overall appearance.

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