
Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP uses your own body to treat a variety of concerns

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a versatile treatment that uses your own body to heal itself, addressing concerns such as hair loss and loose skin around the eyes.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy uses the power of your own body to heal itself. PRP Therapy is a versatile treatment that uses your own body to heal itself, addressing concerns such as tendon/muscle injuries, hair loss, and even fine lines and wrinkles.

Platelets are cells within the blood and work similarly to white blood cells. Their primary function is blood clotting. When activated, platelets also release many growth factors and other proteins that are necessary to speed healing. With this treatment, the medication is produced by your own body. Most people familiar with PRP know that it is traditionally used to treat tendon and muscle injuries.

Platelet Rich Plasma is plasma that has a higher concentration of platelets than normal blood. PRP is formulated to contain increased concentrations of these factors commonly by 5 to 10. To make the PRP concentration, we draw a small amount of blood from the patient. The blood is then concentrated using a centrifuge, and then the concentration is injected into hair follicle sites. Since PRP is taken from the patient’s own blood, the risks associated with PRP injections are minimal.

What happens once we inject these platelets? There are now millions of them in the blood, concentrated around the local injection site. The PRP solution starts the healing process and causes stem cells to stimulate growth and healing. We only require a small amount of blood to get all the healing and growth factors you need.

  • Hair. Platelet Rich Plasma is a powerful tool to reduce hair loss and even reverse it. In medical aesthetics, we use PRP to thicken hair and even regrow it following a hair transplant. PRP is injected around hair follicles to make hair grow thicker and activate follicles that have begun to go dormant.

  • Skin. PRP solutions can also be injected into the skin. Platelet Rich Plasma can help your own collagen to grow, and can regenerates tissue. This causes the skin to smooth and fill out, tightening lines and wrinkles. This procedure results in some of the most natural looking skin that medical aesthetics can provide.

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