
Lip Filler Specialists in NYC

Enjoy full, hydrated lips

Lip filler is a substance that is usually injected into the lips to help give them a fuller, more plump and hydrated appearance.

After the results set in, the lips should have better shape, structure, and volume while still maintaining a natural appearance.

The procedure is minimally invasive, non-surgical, and essentially pain-free.

Lip Filler Q&A

Lip filler treatment has various benefits:

  • Aesthetic lips. After a lip filler treatment, the lips should have better shape, structure, and volume.

  • Natural. Most lip fillers use hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance commonly found in the body. It keeps the lips fresh and plump while avoiding an artificial appearance.

  • Confidence-boosting. Sometimes, fillers can be applied to have subtle results, which can give the patient a huge confidence boost without looking overly dramatic.

  • Long-lasting. The results, though temporary, should last for several months up to a year.

  • Controllable results. In the hands of a skilled, qualified practitioner, the lip volume created will be just right. And the treatment can be done over several appointments until the desired results are achieved.

  • Minimally-invasive. Lip filler treatments involve the use of an anesthetic cream, which is applied over the lips. This ensures that minimal pain is experienced during the injections. The procedure is also non-surgical and only lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Lip filler works with the help of a substance called hyaluronic acid which is found in most fillers. It’s a natural substance commonly found in the body. Besides being used in lip filler, hyaluronic acid is also used in skin serums to alleviate dry skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and speed up wound healing.

For the lips, the main purpose of hyaluronic acid is to help the lips retain water in order to keep them lubricated and moist. This is possible because hyaluronic acid is highly attracted to water, so it tends to bind to moisture. By injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips, the lips can retain moisture, which gives them better structure, shape, and volume.

You can visit RejuvaMed at one of our three convenient locations. Our practice focuses on giving patients a holistic, whole body, non-invasive approach instead of a “one size fits all.”

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